
#xcol is an open anthropological infrastructure for the research of inquiries in the mode of experimental collaborations.

#xcol is also a pedagogic program that seeks to ‘intravene’ in current forms of ethnographic practice and learning.

FS6Z344DAdolfo Estalella, PhD is an anthropologist and profesor ayudante doctor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. His two fields of research are Anthropology of Knowledge and Science and Technology Studies (STS). His recent work is focused in the study of digital cultures and forms of grassroots urbanism. He is interested in civic projects and activist initiatives that intervene in the city, more specifically I investigate two aspects of this forms of urban experimentation: the material infrastructures mobilized to refurnishing the public space and the epistemic practices and learning contexts through which knowledge circulates. Two other topics of his interest are the methodological innovations of ethnography and research ethics.

Tomás Sánchez Criado, PhD, Senior Researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin’s Institute of European Ethnology.  Anthropologist with specialization in STS, developing ethnographic and public engagement work around urban knowledge politics in a wide variety of settings where care is invoked as a domain or a particular mode of design intervention: such as, independent-living services or technologies, accessibility infrastructures, and more generally inclusive forms of city-making related to issues like the housing, climate, environmental pollution or interspecies relations crises. In the last years I have been experimenting with multi-modal anthropological engagements with design (multi-modality here to be understood as in a plurality of media and epistemic modes: experimental forms of public inquiry, ethnography & pedagogy).


We are both strongly involved in the Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation (#Collex – an EASA network).

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